My hair regimen and staple products

Hey lovelies, It has been a while!I have been kept busy with some stuff but I haven't abandoned you guys. I hope this blog finds you in great health and wellbeing. It is starting to warm up in the southern hemisphere but I've been unfortunate to be working on the nice and sunny days so I haven't started enjoying the summer as yet. (sorry northern hemisphere lovelies, winter is coming). Anyways, I have had a number of people ask me of my regimen and what products I use for my hair. So, instead of answering people individually, I'll just outline it all here and hope this answers most of your questions :) First of all, I am a lazy natural so I do keep my products to a minimum and if I can simplify any step in my regimen, I go for it. Don't judge me for it, time is too precious ;) Wash Day I use shampoo probably about 3 times a year. I mainly co wash my hair once every week or 2 weeks, depending on the style I will be rocking at that particular time. If I...